multi generational family

Retirement and Estate Solutions

Retirement planning is our specialty and our passion, but for many of our clients the state and longevity of their legacy in the form of their estate is just as important. The two are interdependent and we treat them as such. Your situation will dictate the balance, but we will work with you to create a solution that is strong and appropriate addressing not only current day standards but anticipated trends in legislation.

We prescribe to a scenario planning approach that involves the compilation of your requirements such as:

  • We never want to live with our children
  • We want to contribute to our grandchildren’s higher education
  • We want to see the world

These intentions and ideal objectives allow our team to customize an integrated solution that will last and will potentially be meaningful for generations to come. Still, not only do we build the solution for you, we model it in a way that allows you to see all your inputs, track your funding vehicles and trends. In a sense we allow you to see your future.

We are able to deliver the full menu of solutions to implement your plan without bias or limitation due to our open architecture. With us there are no proprietary minimums or requirements. We can build and implement your plan with the best vehicles available in the market today. In the end we are typically able to save our clients time, money and the energy they would otherwise have to expend in getting to their comprehensive solution. Call today, 704.943.2131. Explore the opportunities that lie ahead.