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Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans

For over twenty-five years Resource Group of the Carolinas has been implementing and servicing employer sponsored retirement plans throughout North Carolina and beyond. From university systems, to hospitals, from corporations to non-profits we know the complexities, challenges and compliance requirements that can make the creation and maintenance of an employer sponsored retirement plan daunting at best. Add to this the evolving legislative and ever changing regulatory environment and the need for qualified guidance becomes clear.

Resource Group of the Carolinas is known for our in-depth knowledge and proven track record of consistent structuring and education of employees who participate in our employer sponsored retirement plans. There are various types of plans offering different options for participants and all these attributes need to be explored in-depth prior to placing, updating or instituting an appropriate plan for an employer.

We also work with plan participants, typically in conjunction with their Retirement Income Advisors, to plan yet another opportunity that requires appropriate guidance and education. With employer sponsored retirement plans holding a bulk of the retirement savings for a significant percentage of the population, it is critical to understand the options these plans present for diversification, maximizing contributions and rollovers, when and if appropriate.

If you are already participating in one of our plans we welcome your questions, and encourage you to sign up for one of our educational workshops. If you are employer in need of a plan assessment or comparison we are available to assist with this as well. It’s time you to drive your retirement savings, and stop simply hoping for the best.