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Count Down to Retirement

5 years, 20 years, or maybe you’re within 1 year of retiring? Let us help guide you to your next milestone with ease and purpose.

When, if and how you will retire is always up for discussion, still retirement is a life changing event that comes to most at some point in time. We have a proven approach that provides clients with a customized checklist of actions and considerations to be utilized across the time continuum providing action steps small and large. The result, sound retirement income and distribution guidance at every turn.

These general steps do not replace the importance or need for a comprehensive plan, but we welcome the opportunity to share our thought provoking checklists with anyone who might benefit from the insights they share. If you are interested in receiving one of our checklists to assist you in your preparation for retirement let us know. We can send the appropriate checklist onto you via email, we just need your name and preferred email address sent to We will fulfill your request within 24-hours of receipt.

Characteristics of Retirement Income Support versus Accumulation Support

Accumulation Delivery

Retirement Income Delivery

Impact of market decline manageable Impact of market decline less manageable
Investment based Risk and cash flow based
Less emotionally charged for client More emotionally charged for client
Focus on achieving return goals Focus on achieving lifestyle goals
Well-developed infrastructure and support tools Elementary infrastructure and support tools
Periodic monitoring and adjustment Regular and consistent monitoring and adjustment