mature couple smiling

Investment Planning

Investing is conceptually a simple idea, yet investing for the future can be daunting. Starting with a preservation mindset, especially for those nearing retirement can be a key to success. Of course, growth and keeping pace with inflation are two key inputs among many, but each situation is different and that’s why a customized investment plan and policy statement are now industry standards regardless of the size of your total portfolio.

When it comes to investing there is much more at stake than value alone. There is your comfort level, your ability to feel confident that the money will be accessible when and if you need it. There are many theories and even more do it yourself books that have been written on the proper way to invest, some you probably have or will explore.  Still, now is not the time to experiment with your future, especially when you plan to live on the proceeds of the very assets that you have most likely invested.

Experience from a qualified and credentialed financial planner like Chuck de Krafft is valuable in this often uncertain discipline.

We take a process approach to investing on clients’ behalf.  It begins with an investment policy statement that is created after a comprehensive analysis of a client’s risk tolerance and ability to intellectually and emotionally be comfortable with their investment position. We review current positions, desired preservation, available resources and future needs before creating an integrated plan for preservation and measured distribution. Many of those we serve come to us as active investors, but through our guidance and advice we are able to further personal understanding of how to best invest on a go forward basis. Our Founder is available for complimentary consultations by appointment. Call today to schedule yours, call 704.943.2131 or email  to set up an appointment in our office.